Terms & Conditions

Please read the following conditions carefully. By completing this booking, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions which is an entire agreement between you and us;

1. Tour price includes – All tour costs, including twin share accommodation, specified meals, scheduled transport, tour hosts and entry costs to scheduled activities, hotel service fees and taxes.

2. Tour price does not include – Airfare, airport taxes, airport transfers and travel insurance (see below).

3. Travel Insurance – Travellers on Miranz Tours must have comprehensive travel insurance. We will require evidence including policy number, insurer’s name and emergency contact number before commencing the tour.

4. Single Room Supplement – Our accommodation is based on twin share occupancy. If you require a single room, a supplement will apply.

5. Prices – Prices quoted are based on rates at the time of printing (including foreign exchange rates) and are accordingly subject to change without notice.

6. Deposit– A non-refundable deposit of $600 per person is to be paid to Miranz Tours account to secure you a place on your chosen tour, subject to places in that tour being available. The deposit must be paid within 7 days of booking. The balance is to be paid in four installments  due to Miranz Tours not later than 90 days prior to commencement of tour. All bookings made within 90 days of the tour commencement date must be paid in full upon booking.

7. Payments – Your funds are safe with Miranz Tours.  Miranz Tours will keep the funds until they are disbursed for the services to be provided related to your booking. Agreement to these conditions and the payment by you of the deposit amount will be deemed to be your direction to disburse monies required to secure bookings for the tours. Miranz Tours will be responsible for supplying the services and accommodation outlined except where such services or accommodation cannot be supplied or the publicised itinerary cannot be used due to causes beyond the control of Miranz Tours.

Each deposit/full payments can be made via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) into the Miranz Tours account;



BSB: 083-269

ACCOUNT: 36-473-9009

Please use your Surname as the payment reference.
When a deposit is received this will be receipted then followed up by an invoice sent 90 days prior to departure, outlining the balance due and due date.

8. Tour Changes – All information contained in this document is, to the best of our knowledge, correct. However, we reserve the right to make changes in accommodations, group composition, visits, and itineraries at any time, should it become necessary or desirable. Delays or itinerary changes caused by strikes, bad weather, traffic, or other unforeseen circumstances are beyond our control and we are not obliged to pay guests compensation.

9. Cancellation Fees– Any request for the cancellation of tours by travellers, must be made in writing. Our cancellation policy is:

– Cancellation over 90 days before start date – forfeit of deposit.
– Cancellation 90-60 days before start date – forfeit 50% of tour cost.
– Cancellation less than 60 days before start date – forfeit of total tour cost.

10. If we cancel – In the unlikely event that we would cancel your tour, you would be entitled to a 100% refund less administration charges within 2 weeks after the tour’s cancellation. Miranz Tours reserves the right to cancel tours at any time for any reason.

11. Minimum Numbers – The tour has been costed on the basis of a minimum number of passengers travelling. If minimum numbers have not been met, Miranz Tours reserves the right to cancel the tour, giving a full refund of monies paid, or offer arrangements to proceed with the tour at a modified price.

12. Booking amendments – If you wish to transfer from one tour to another or transfer your booking to a third party you must notify us at least 60 days prior to the proposed departure date. A fee of $100 per person per change will apply (in addition to any charges levied by hotels or ground operators). If you notify us less than 60 days prior to the proposed departure date the refund policy applicable to cancellations will apply. Transfers to a third party are only permitted where the transferee meets all the requirements in relation to the trip, and transfers to another departure can only be made to a departure within the current validity period. No amendments are permitted to your booking within 10 days of departure.

13. Important Arrivals/Departures Information – The tour start and finish times are your responsibility and should be noted before arranging any flights or onward travel bookings, to ensure it is clearly understood that the arrangements will fit in with our tour times. Flights should arrive at least three hours prior to the tour commencing. Departure from the tour and any onward travel plans should leave no less than two hours after our intended departure, and your international flight should leave no less than three hours after our arrival times.

14. Optional activities – not included in the trip price and do not form part of the trip or this contract. You accept that any assistance given by your group hosts or local representative in arranging optional activities does not render us liable for them in any way. The contract for the provision of that activity will be between you and activity provider.

15. Travel Documents and Health Requirements – Travellers must hold valid travel documents at the time of travel. Entry into Greece requires that the passport be valid for at least six months beyond the intended date of departure. As of mid 2024 new tourist visas may be required for stays less than 90 days. Those not travelling on an Australian Passport must ensure they have the correct visa’s and entry requirements into the country of travel. It is the responsibility of individual travelers to ascertain and comply with any passport, visa and health requirements that apply to the places you intend to visit. Miranz Tours is neither responsible nor liable for any loss or inconvenience incurred by your failure to comply with such requirements.

16. Health and Fitness – Miranz Tours involves activities which are designed to be enjoyed by anyone who is fit and healthy. If you have any reason to think that you may not be fit enough to undertake the tour, please seek medical advice. Please let us know if you have any medical requirements, special meal requirements etc. as soon as possible. Miranz tours involves a reasonable amount of walking in locations where there is uneven surfaces, rocky ground, steps, trip hazards and are not suitable if you have mobility issues. The tour hosts hold current First Aid Certificates in Provide first Aid, Provide basic emergency life support and Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

17. Luggage – we allow one medium size suitcase and one carry-on bag per person. The space in the bus is limited. Any other luggage will have to be transported at your own expense during the tour.

18. Management on tour – Miranz Tours decision is final on all matters likely to affect the safety or well- being of any traveller or staff member participating in the tour. We reserve the right to accept, reject, or remove any person as a tour participant whose condition or the manner they conduct themselves or that hampers the operation of the tour. A tour participant removed from the tour shall have no cause for complaint or refund and shall bear any and all extra expenses incurred.

19. Claims & complaints – If you have a complaint about your trip please inform your tour hosts at the time so they can attempt to rectify the matter. If you feel the matter has not been resolved, any further complaint should be sent to us in writing within 30 days of the end of the tour to hello@miranztours.com.au.

20. Privacy policy – The personal information we collect about you will be used to assist with the operation of the tours i.e. other service providers, suppliers or agents. We may also send you future tour offers, or marketing material related to Miranz Tours. Click here to view our Privacy Policy.

21. No Liability – We (for ourselves and on behalf of our servants and agents) do not accept any responsibility for any act, omission, default or neglect by ourselves, our servants or agents or by the servants or agents of airlines or accommodation services for injury, damage or loss to persons or goods whatsoever and howsoever the same may be caused. Further, no responsibilities are accepted for any damage or delay due to sickness, war or acts of terrorism, pilferage, labour disputes, machinery break-down, quarantine, government restraints, weather or other causes beyond their control. No responsibility is accepted for any additional expense, omissions, delays, re-routing or acts of any government or authority.

22. Permission for and videos of guests – You agree that our Tour Host or Representatives may take photographs and films of you while you are on holiday and that these may be used in our brochures and/or advertising or publicity material or social media without obtaining any further consent or payment in respect of such photographs and/or films.

23. Goods and Services Tax – Services offered are exempt from Australian GST as they are to be provided outside Australia.

24. Applicable law -The laws of Victoria, Australia govern these Booking Conditions to the fullest extent allowable. Any disputes in connection with a trip or these Booking Conditions must be initiated in the courts of Victoria, Australia.

25. Exclusions:

  • Airfares
  • Airport transfers
  • Travel insurance
  • Tips to drivers and guides
  • Travel documents and any associated fees
  • Everything not mentioned in specific tour itineraries or mentioned as being an option/optional/excluded
  • Items of personal nature, phone calls, passport and visas (if applicable), laundry or tips
  • Personal transport, excess baggage, security and government taxes, travel insurance
  • Meals not specifically mentioned in itinerary
  • Drinks at meals including coffee/tea and alcohol not specifically mentioned in itinerary
  • Entry fees to all places either mentioned or not mentioned in itinerary
  • Optional excursions or activities that maybe offered which are not included in the tour price
  • All personal expenditure